So I´ve been known to leave my camera at home on more than one occasion. When it comes down to
being there, and
proving that I was physically present, I tend to prefer the former. Forgetfulness, really, though, is the reason that I don´t have any pictures of my time up north in Coban visiting the caves of San Marcos,
Semuc Champey, Lanquin Cave, or the sweet people from Wyoming I got to hang out with. But really, it was a good time. I went up there with some friends from church, and we took it really easy. A lot of napping that first day, which fit in well with my sick-recovery plan (still workin on beating this bronchitis). The next day we checked out San Marcos, then the next I went to Semuc by myself. I ended up befriending a girl from the Czech Republic who promised to email me photos from Semuc, which I´ll post here if she ever does.
On the evening bus back from Semuc and Lanquin Cave, I ended up really hitting it off with a couple girls who had met at the University of Wyoming. I ended up getting off the bus with them and having dinner with them and their friends. It´s hard to explain, but I sort of felt like we were all immediately old friends, and that was a great feeling. The next day I bussed back by myself to the city and a few hours later headed to my host family´s pineapple farm. It was hot, rustic, and beautiful. It all ended me up back in Guate for a few days alone, which I mostly spent recording demos, reading, and watching movies. Here´s some pictures and a video.

The chicken coops behind, the chickens (and roosters), hanging out on a rail ahead. Why do people keep roosters over the longterm? I´m serious. All they're good for is crowing all night, fertilizing eggs, and eating.

A few of the folks from next door who watch the house for Victor Sr. and Candy, and then Jo and Victor.

They grow pineapple. We didn´t eat any of it on this particular day though.

Victor Sr., Joanna, Victor. None of their hats fit my big American head.

Amor means love.
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