Lots to report on here from a full weekend.

We had a staff prayer retreat in Antigua last friday. We kicked the day off with some breakfast. From L to the back and then up the right side: Giselle (Admistration and Accounting), Me, Gaby (Paralegal), Bea (Paralegal), Joanna (Australian Social Work Fellow), Luis (Lawyer), Name Withheld, Marisol (kind of hidden, Office Manager and Maid), Delmi (Social Worker), Jessica (Lawyer, Director of the Legal Department, my boss), Alejandra (Guatemalan Legal Intern), Silvia (Guatemalan Legal Intern). Not pictured: Pablo (Field Office Director), Alex (Church Relations Intern), Miriam (Director of Social Work), Alejandro (Guatemalan Legal Intern).

Luis took a holy nap during quiet time.

We played a game that put us all in ridiculous positions that made me and Alejandra laugh a whole lot.


Later, my car broke down and I had to tow it back to the city. Good thing I have free roadside assistance!

Putting up some Christmas decorations with the family. If I´m an adoptive son of Candy (right), then Joanna is my sister-in-law. That´s my "cousin" in the middle.

Our maid Emma. This was a rare moment of animated laughter. Great.

The family. Victor, Candy, Me, Joanna, Victor Jr.

This Coca Cola water tower looking thing is right in the middle of the legal district. Out of place and beautiful. I´ll get a better shot later on.

We went to a semi-final soccer game yesterday. Our team, Municipal, is called the Rojos (Reds). I came with Joanna, Victor, and Alex (not pictured).


There was a kind of absurd amount of fireworks, smoke bombs, and of course, shouting.

I´m shocked.
People were happy about the win.
I loved the cough at the end of the movie.