Friday, October 16, 2009

Urban Husbandry in Mixco, Guatemala

So part of my job is to go to government offices and get documents processed/signed/paid-attention-to faster. Yesterday I was doing just that with a coworker in the suburb of Mixco, when I noticed some seriously small-scale urban food production going on. Right there, in the middle of the city, just outside of the public prosecutor´s office, was a herd of goats. And right there, in the middle of the city, was a lady milking one of these goats into a styrofoam cup for a businessy-looking customer waiting nearby.

If food systems can get any smaller than this, I truly don´t know how. Maybe if she´d skipped the styrofoam cup...?


Not much else to report on here. I´ve been reading an impressively dull (and yet intriguing) case brief for the last four days and I finally finished a few minutes ago - so I thought I´d check in. I should be starting a special project compiling all the old verdicts from old cases for easy reference beginning next week - this squeezed around daily trips to various offices in and around the city.

I´m still getting into my routine, but it´s beginning to look like: a long day of work followed by a run, sit-ups, reading (currently Blood Meridian, Psalm 86, and The Best of Outside), journaling, playing guitar (and missing my bluegrass buddies), a Skype call to someone back home, and maybe an episode of The Office with my roommate Lerae, all followed by going to sleep with earplugs in so that a nearby rooster (which crows all night), won´t keep me up.

This weekend I plan on climbing Volcán Pacaya (which you can see from my window in Boca del Monte) and celebrating an acquaintance’s birthday. Hope everyone out there is doing well. If you´re not digging autumn or winter back in the States, just know that I´m missing them both geographically and in my heart. Aprovechen.


Currently listening to: "When I First Came To This Country" by Crooked Still (unreleased, but available for listening here - I have literally listened to this song at least 20 times today) and Crooked Still's fiddle player's myspace.

1 comment:

  1. OOf, Blood Meridian? You are such a man. Toby read that recently.

    And yes, I think you have the right idea about creating the smallest food system ever. Maybe you should be the one to kick it off.
